Your skin always needs to be moisturized and hydrated no matter what type of skin you have. Oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin or combination skin all have the right moisturizer for you. Just spend a little time researching, you will better understand your skin and the benefits of using a moisturizer every day. This article will save you that time, tell you everything about moisturizers, and help you find the right moisturizer for you!
What is moisturizer?
Simply put, your skin has a stratum corneum (the outermost layer of the skin) containing 10-30% water, which keeps it hydrated and supple. The natural sebum secreted by the body helps the stratum corneum retain water for the skin. When your skin lacks the natural oil from the sebaceous glands, the skin loses water and becomes dry and vulnerable.

When the skin is dehydrated, moisturizer is an external aid to retain water, protect and moisturize the skin. A moisturizer is a mixture of chemically active ingredients, designed to soften, condition and retain the skin's natural moisture. Besides the main effects mentioned above, moisturizers can improve skin tone and texture, helping to nourish skin with antioxidant, sunscreen and anti-aging active ingredients.
6 benefits when you moisturize your skin every day
1. Prevent dry skin
The first effect as well as the main effect of a moisturizer: helps the skin stay hydrated. Dry skin can be caused by external factors such as weather, temperature, living environment or internal factors such as hormonal disorders. These factors can affect the natural moisture film on the skin's surface. This is where moisturizer comes into play. They not only replenish lost moisture but also help prevent future dehydration. 2. Slow down the aging process
The skin on your face, ears, neck and chest is very sensitive to changes in your surroundings and at the same time these are the areas that are most often damaged on the body. These areas of skin also change cells faster than other areas of the body. Therefore, the skin needs enough moisture to recover, allowing new skin cells to be better cared for and function more durable. In addition to providing water to the skin, some moisturizers today have an anti-aging function with some anti-aging ingredients such as AHA, Retinol or Vitamin C.

3. Prevent and support acne treatment
Most people think that acne skin should not moisturize, because moisturizing will clog pores, causing more acne. However, adding moisture to acne-prone, oily skin is really helpful and necessary. Understand moisturizing acne skin like this: When your skin is dry, it sends a message to the oil glands inside the body to produce more oil. Thereby, clogging pores and causing acne. So, if the skin is properly moisturized, the skin won't produce more oil than it needs, preventing breakouts.
4. Protect skin from external agents
Water is an essential element for the body to function properly. 70% of our body is water. 2/3 of that water is located deep in the dermis and the remaining 1/3 is in the epidermis. The skin acts as a natural shield, against external agents and regulates the amount of water that is evaporated. To have healthy skin, you need to regularly hydrate the skin and protect the skin's natural moisture film (also known as the hydrolipid film). Using a moisturizer will help restore and nourish the moisture film and protect the skin from harmful external influences. Cosmetics can also count as a harmful agent for the skin. Therefore, experts encourage you to use a layer of moisturizer before applying makeup to create a thin film, preventing the skin from direct contact with chemicals in cosmetics.

5. Prevent skin irritation
When the skin is dry, the protective stratum corneum is weakened, leaving the skin vulnerable to external factors and prone to irritation. In fact, potential irritants are difficult to identify or avoid. Therefore, to prevent skin irritation, you should use moisturizing products to nourish the stratum corneum, bringing a healthy, beautiful skin. You might consider using a moisturizer that contains ingredients like chia seeds, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and propylene glycol. These ingredients are well known for their ability to prolong the moisturizing effect and keep the skin healthy to fight against allergens. 6. Effectively control excess oil
When the skin is dry, the body produces more oil to keep it moist. The fact that the skin produces a lot of oil does not mean that the skin has excess moisture, but that the skin is severely dehydrated. Understanding this helps you to start moisturizing your oily skin instead of skipping it. Remember that hydrated skin is healthy skin. Dehydrated skin for a long time can lead to inflammation, premature skin aging and even breakouts. Moisturizers, when divided by effect, usually include two types: hydrating and moisturizing. Hydrating for oily skin and moisturizing for dry skin. Different in use, but they all have a common purpose of giving you a smooth, shiny skin.
Moisturizer is the very first and important step for a healthy and beautiful skin. For many years, people believe that just drink water can help hydrate their skin but this is a wrong belief, no matter how much water you drink, your skin might get dry if you do not use moisturizer to hydrate it, in fact, many skin specialists have proved that sunscreen and moisturizer are the best way to maintain a healthy, beautiful skin and prevent aging. Using a good moisturizer can protect your skin up to 24 hours with just one apply and prevent aging. So you should choose for yourself a good moisturizer for your precious skin.
If you are looking for a moisturizer suitable for all skin types, at an affordable price, highly appreciated on the online community and dermatologists, the Aloe Vera product line from BHC is the perfect choice BHC's natural skin care line with Aloe Vera and Grape seed formula helping to provide excellent moisture and gives a bright, rosy, radiant look to your skin.
Having a glowing and beautiful skin is the dream of many people, you can start now to the process of taking care of your skin by using a good moisturizer right now.